A challenge has been set on me recently, even though I fully asked for it, it's a challenge nonetheless. I am going to be taking care of kids somewhere between the ages of 7 and 11, thats not the challenge though. The challenge is teaching them more than they are going to teach me. I have not even seen the first kid and they are already teaching me so much about God and myself. I mean sure sometimes you can get frustrated with them and there are situations, that are not to be named, that make you question what they have been brought up in. But have you ever just sat and watched a kid that is that age? Their imaginations are endless and are constantly going 90 to nothing. They for most part take joy in every activity they do as long as it's an adventure. They look up to people sometimes without even knowing them for one reason, because they think we have been on "crazy journey's that makes us a hero". We are older so we know the answers, and sometimes they might think that we never mess up (you give them one reason and they will see right through that).
-"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3)
-"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." (Mark 10:14,15)
I have been challenge by kiddos I dont even know yet to go after God with the same imagination and childish joy and peace that they go after of people with greater height than them. To go after Jesus constantly "looking up" to him like they look up constantly to people (most of the time literally). It's not always the heart of the child that gets my attention first, it's their imagination and how their heart flows through that. When they cant tie their shoe but they can come up with the most elaborate, amazing way of looking at a canoeing activity. When they cant even see over the counter, yet they stand on their tiptoes just so they dont have to ask for help. When they tell you some really simple story of something that happened to them that doesn't pertain to whats going on in the moment, just so they can tell you something and see your approval. They dont care about relevance, randomness, or how crazy/politically correct something is. They just love the "adventure", and when they see your "adventure" is with Jesus, they want that same "adventure". So I ask the question, when I come with the heart of a child, can I come with the imagination too? Because I dont see how they are separated?!
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